We’re here to help you solve your problems with UKG

Data integration

We know the APIs and other tools that make Data Integration work. We can help you if:

  • You have technical resources but you’re not making progress.
    Your team knows how to work with APIs. But the applications are complicated. And the setup if less than clear. We’ll help bridge the gap. Contact us.
  • You want someone to build integrations for you.
    You may not have the team. Or your team may not have the time. We can build integrations for you. For a fixed Price. Contact us.


  • You may need help with People Analytics – Cognos BI, Data Hub or Dataviews.
  • You may want a new report built.
  • You may want training or troubleshooting with existing reports.
  • Contact us.

Application Support for your Technical Team

APIs are not just JSON syntax. You need to make sure your system, your data and your security are all configured correctly.

Too often, your technical consultants don’t understand the application. And your application consultants don’t understand the technology.

We can bridge the gap.  Whether that requires creating a new pay rule, adjusting a function or data access profile, explaining your attestation workflow, or loading workload planners.   We’ve been there and done that.

Have a question that’s stopping progress?  Contact us.

Start a conversation with us

Call: 917-848-7284
Email: inquiries@redthree.com

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